Thursday, 22 February 2007

Henry VIII King of England from 1509 till 1547, he ruled for 38 years and married and divorced or lost six wives,his whole life he searched for a wife who could give him a son and he did have two son's, one by his frist mistress Bessy Blount and one by Jane Seymore whom he lost after the birth, alas Edward his son died before he was 20, but Henry himself was then no longer here, he had died bvefore his son. Bessy Blounts son Henry died while Henry was still alive, he was a poorly boy, but Hewnry non the less supported him ans bessy through his short life.

You can read Henry's autobiography written by Margaret George a wonderful book that see's Henry's life through his eye's. I am really impressed as the research that must have gone into writting this book as the events she has written into it can be researched by oneself through the internet.

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