Monday, 28 May 2007

Mary Tudor

Mary was born in Eltham Palace, when Elizabeth of York died she was 8 years old, but at the age of three she was sought in marriage by Ludovico Sforza Duke of Milan as a bride for his infant son Massimiliano Count of Pavia.
Mary was often at court but did not receive the lime light as her elder sister.
In Dec 1507 Mary's betrothal would take place in easter, she would have a dowery of 250,000 golden crowns.
Ten days later Mary was betrothed to Charles the Sieur de Burghes, standing proxy for the 8 yr old prince, by Oct 15th it was confirmed that Charles and Mary would be married before May 1514, but Mary did not marry prince Charles. King Louis of france eventually secured Mary as his bride, she was to be Queen of France. Louis XII was represented at court by Duke De Longueville, Louis was an eldery man, but Mary agreed to the marriage with a condition that she could marry whom she wished once Louis died.
From the moment of her marriage her life took on the glamour of a fairy tale.
On Dec 28th Louis XII wrote to Henry VIII to say he was pleased with his young bride, then on new years day 1515 wasted by illness he died.
Henry sent suffolk to comfort Mary, he knew she was fond of Lord Brandon, but requested that he shouldnot ask her to marry him. But after Louis death two friars visited Marywho were sent from English court to console Mary, they reached her before suffolk, they suceeded in terrifying Mary to believe that Henry would not keep his promise, they also made her think that suffolk was sent to entice her back to england so that Henry could marry her to Charles of Castile. Mary took the matters into her hands and when Brandon arrived told him he had a straight choice either marryu her or she would retire to a convert. So Henry was informed that Mary and Brandon were married.
Mary then had to return her dowery to Hewnry, Henry accepted that it was her fault, but Henry was not angry for long and they came to a financial agrrement, Mary was required to pay Henry 2000 a year for the next 12 years instead of 4000, after all was completed they were married publiclyon May 1515> The ship that Henry had built called princess Mary was named after his sister Mary.
Mary died 25th June 1533

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Margaret Tudor

Henry had two sisters, this is Margaret Tudor, they spent much of their time at Eltham Palace, his parents were pleased by his self confidence in public occassions, Margaret was his older sister and looked over her brother, she was soon to be bethrothed to the King of Scotland.

Margaret had long golden hair. Margaret was 9 years old and the king of scotland was 25 yrs old when henry VII wanted to propose marriage to the Kinag of Scotland, but her parents wouldn't let her go rill she reached puberty.

When Aurther her brother died he left Margaret a small fortune and put it into the care of Henry VII. She eventually married a man neary 20 years her elder, she was but 13 years of age.

Margaret had a difficult life and made poor choices in husbandsHer first child was born when she was 16, the scottish subjects loved their queen.

February 21st 1507 Margaret gave birth to a boy and named him James, but in 1508 27th February the young prince died, she was already pregnant with her second child.

15th July 1508 she gave birth to a daughter, but the child died the same day. In spring 1509 she was pregnant again

1509 Henry VII died

Margarets third child was born October 21st and named Arthur in memory of her brother.

Margaret asked for her legacy from Henry VIII, that Arthur had left in Henry VII keeping, but there became a bitter saga of Margarets jewels

August 27th 1511 Margaret plagued by a bad dream begged her husband and king not to go to battle, but he didn't listen and died there. Margaret was made regent and she married Angus 1514 thinking it would be her protection.